What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

In Layman's terms, Artificial Intelligence can be used defined as a branch of computer science that can simulate human intelligence. AI is implemented in machines to perform tasks that actually require human intelligence. If you are wondering, What is AI? Some of their primary function includes reasoning, learning, problem-solving and quick decision-making.

At the core of it, Artificial Intelligence is nothing but algorithms with certain sets of rules. AI systems have the ability to learn from the iteration of tasks where the computer data (aka machine learning algorithms) are fed to the system. This is exactly how, machine learning can actually get better at doing their specified tasks, without any external interference. 

Artificial Intelligence is by far one of the most fascinating and astounding creations ever made in the history of mankind. With the advent of its invention, there is still a large domain that is yet to be explored. In fact, its real-world application to date is probably the tip of the iceberg. In the past few years, there has been rapid growth in the domain of AI, making it one of the most lucrative industries. 

Looking at its exponential growth, there’s a huge future prospect for Artificial Intelligence. That is why, we have curated this article, to enlighten our readers about the vast world of Artificial Intelligence.

Is Artificial Intelligence A Threat To The Human Resources?

Artificial Intelligence is one of the most interesting and important technologies of the 21st century, which is predicted to change our way of life completely.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most interesting and important technologies of the 21st century, which is predicted to change our way of life completely. AI is a technology that allows computers to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. It can also be used in many areas of our life, from self-driving cars to medical diagnoses, enabling machines to understand their environment better and make decisions autonomously.

AI is one of the most important technologies in modern times because it has been able to perform almost any task that requires human intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is one of the most interesting and important technologies of the 21st century which is predicted to completely change our way of life. We will see it in smart homes, autonomous vehicles, self-diagnosis of health problems and personalized treatment. It will be everywhere and it will be very beneficial. However, some people claim that it will wipe out jobs for humans. This claim needs to be examined in more detail because if it were true, we should stop the development of AI and focus on other technologies such as nanotechnology or quantum computing instead.
